8.3 Releases


Released 11/07/2023

Release Notes


If your system is on a version lower than 8.3.0, you first need to upgrade to 8.3.0. For more information about upgrades please see the Upgrade Documentation.


Bug Fixes

  • PR: 268 - Fix #267 - Show activities dropdown labels with regular user

  • PR: 239 - Fix #154 - MySQL Error 1054: missing config.deleted columns

  • PR: 265 - Fix #196, #251 - Fix parent_type relate

  • PR: 260 - Fix #209, #258 - Update WebToPersonCapture.php

  • PR: 244 - Fix query limit check for queries without limit on ListView record list

  • PR: 243 - Adds extending option for the api bean mapper

  • PR: 10045 - Codeception testing compatibility changes

  • PR: 10097 - Fix AOP Config not saving

  • PR: 10055 - Fix #9548 - Wrong decimal precision returned in a Modify Record workflow action

  • PR: 9938 - Fix #9937 - Resolve high memory usage when performing bulk relationship changes

  • PR: 10072 - Fix #10034 - Email Listview doesn’t render, so no Emails are visible

  • PR: 8683 - Fix #8682 - Workflow fails with relationship condition

  • PR: 10067 - Fix #10047 - Tasks due date not saving

  • PR: 10098 - Fix #10091 - login parameter failing

  • PR: 10071 - Fix #10035 - Monitered Folders are not selectable for Basic Auth Accounts

  • PR: 10051 - Add better description of what is being removed during module installation for ACLs

  • PR: 10050 - Add missing language definitions for the module loader

  • PR: #9816 - Item element getting called incorrectly

  • PR: 10024 - Fix #9601 - Fix bug where report conditions parenthesis pairs would not save correctly

  • PR: 10044 - Fix 10029 - Issues changing dashlets name

  • PR: 9983 - Fix #9516 - getRelatedId returns null instead of a string

  • PR: 9657 - Fix 9654 - different date formats being compared for change log

  • PR: 10036 - Fix #10033 - PHP Fatal error Uncaught TypeError PHP8


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following members for their contributions and participation in this release:

Special thanks to everyone who reported security issues addressed in this release!


Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

We will continue to enhance SuiteCRM 8 with new features and improvements, the latest of which can be found on our Road Map.

In the meantime, if you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have a suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue. Before raising an issue please be sure to check the Release Notes and list of Known Issues.

If you want to get involved or submit a Fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit An PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Check the following documentation page for more information on how to upgrade between SuiteCRM 8 versions Upgrading documentation

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

More information regarding our Security Process can be found here.


Released 16/05/2023

Release Notes

System Requirement Changes

The minimum php version has been updated to php 7.4.

To visit the SuiteCRM 8.3.x Compatibility Matrix please see here.

Backward Incompatible Changes

There has been a BREAKING change update to the Process Handler Interface.

The Process Handler Interface now has the additional function getRequiredACls and thus any extension using this interface will need to be updated accordingly.

New Dev Package

This release includes a new SuiteCRM-8.3.0-dev.zip dev package, which is available via Github.

This package is meant to help in the development of frontend extensions.

The only difference between the base package and the dev package, is that the dev package includes the dist folder.

Including the dist folder should remove the need to rebuild the core frontend code.

Please check the following pages for more information:



If you wish to upgrade from 8.0.x / 8.1.x to a more current release, please read the following Upgrade Documentation.


  • CVE: Pending - Stored XSS Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control



Notifications are now available in SuiteCRM 8, for the following activities:

  • Meetings

  • Calls

Therefore, if you are invited/assigned to one of the above, you will receive the notification and any subsequent reminders. For more information on using the Notification features, please see here.


Subpanel Filters

When viewing Subpanels, you are now able to filter the results to locate the records you are interested in. To enable the Filter option, you need to add it via the 'subpaneldefs.php'. For further information on how to do this, please see here.

Subpanel Filter

Load More

Previously in SuiteCRM 8, to view additional records on Listview, Subpanels and Pop up Record List you would need to use the paging options.

However, you can now choose to 'Load More' meaning the records all display on the one page, making it easier to scroll up and down the list of records, rather than paging back and forth.

To find out how to switch this on and configure the settings, please see here.

Load More

Admin Page

SuiteCRM 8.3 now has a new administration page.

Admin Panel

Admin Panel Highlighted

SuiteCRM 8.3 now has the ability to select any admin option from the NEW multi-menu.

Admin Panel Scheduler

To see more information or to read more about the options within the admin panel please see here.

Hidden Column Display Button

SuiteCRM 8 now has the ability to see selected columns that do not appear on listview.


After Selecting the Columns action we see:


We have the Date Created selected, however it’s not shown on the listview.

Any fields that are not shown on the list can be seen by selecting the three dots to the left of the record on the view.


Styling List

  • Legacy Styling Fixes

    • Document Select Button Styling

    • Dashlet Modal Styling

    • Studio Export Customisation Styling

    • Column Chooser Bottom Button

    • Column Chooser Modal Styling

    • User Management Styling

    • Activity Stream Html Structure Styling

  • Other Styling Changes

    • Record Thread Button Styling

Bug Fixes

  • PR: 231 - Fix #219 - enum required field validation

  • PR: 240 - Fix #195 - Initialize bean in app controller

  • PR: 246 - Fix #245 - [Legacy] Sugar_html onclick action issues

  • PR: 247 - Fix #216 - Filtering null values

  • PR: 9542 - Fix #9542 - PHP8 null values

  • PR: 9812 - Fix #9812 - Decimal number calculations

  • PR: 9817 - Fix #9817 - A typo in Campaign Trackers

  • PR: 9828 - Fix #9828 - $mod_strings was not initiated

  • PR: 9849 - Fix #9849 - Email OAuth Saving with no type

  • PR: 9974 - Fix #9974 - allowed_preview is defined twice

  • PR: 9965 - Fix #9965 - Upgrade league/oauth2-server to latest version

  • PR: 9642 - Fix #9602 - ProspectLists save function has a duplication issue

  • PR: 9559 - Fix #7759, #8273 - Double Compose button in subpanels

  • PR: 10010 - Fix #10009 - Cannot configure Module Menu Filters on PHP8+

  • PR: 9325 - Fix #9153 - Adding dynamicenum case option for export

  • PR: 9329 - Fix #8897 - Adding missing relationship for SurveyResponses module

  • PR: 9471 - Fix #9470 - Set fdow in Calendar popup date selector for range search and MassUpdate

  • PR: 9520 - Fix #9326 - Adding decimal and float case option for export

  • PR: 9528 - Fix #9476 - Mass assign security groups only assigns selected on current page

  • PR: 9622 - Fix #9621 - Workflows Calculate Field Actions don’t translate dynamicenum fields

  • PR: 9765 - Fix #9764 - Add extra To addresses to CC field

  • PR: 9777 - Fix #9768 - Do not convert link URLs in TinyMCE

  • PR: 9784 - Fix #9783 - Compose view quick search for email templates

  • PR: 9787 - Fix #9780 - New User Group Popup. Popup does not show after creating a user

  • PR: 9876 - Fix #9875 - SugarFeed shows 0 seconds ago and negative interval for certain datetime formats

  • PR: 9903 - Fix #9902 - Workflow - Some Date calculations fail with certain formats


We would love to have your feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 great for everyone.

Special thanks to everyone who reported security issues addressed in this release!

H4ck3r Khoỏng, VNCS GLOBAL, vncsglobal.vn

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have a suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue.

If you want to get involved and submit a fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit An PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.