Adding a Process Handler

1. Introduction

Before reading this page, please make sure to read the Process Api guide.

The Process Api guide describes the reason and purpose of having Process Handlers.

This page will try to provide a step-by-step guide on how to add a Process Handler.

As an implementation example we will use a ProcessHandler used for the updateValueBackend logic, as described on the Update Field Value Based on a backend calculation guide.

2. Adding a Backend Process Handler

When making these changes be sure to make them within an extension on the 'extensions' directory, e.g.: 'extensions/<my-extension>/…​'

In the following example we are going to use the existing extensions/defaultExt to add our custom code.

2.1 Steps to add a new process handler to extensions

As a best practice extension backend code should be added to extensions/<your-extension>/backend/ or extensions/<your-extension>/modules/. For extensions/<your-extension>/backend/ the subfolder should follow the same structure as used in core/backend

  1. Create the folder extensions/defaultExt/modules/Cases/Service/Fields

    1. This is a best practice not a hard requirement

    2. As long as you add under the extensions/<your-ext>/backend or extensions/<your-ext>/modules it should work.

  2. Within that folder create the CaseCalculatePriority.php, i.e. extensions/defaultExt/modules/Cases/Service/Fields/CaseCalculatePriority.php

    1. If you are not using the recommended path, make sure that the namespace follows the one you are using

    2. On our example the namespace is namespace App\Extension\defaultExt\modules\Cases\Service\Fields;

  3. On CaseCalculatePriority.php, add the code on the snippet on 2.2 Process handler implementation section

  4. Run php bin/console cache:clear or delete the contents of the cache folder under the root of the project

  5. Re-set the correct file permissions if you need to (This will depend on your setup and the user you are using to make changes)

2.2 Process handler implementation

To add a ProcessHandler the class needs to implement the ProcessHandlerInterface. Plus for it to be matched with a request, it needs the following:

  • Set the ProcessType to be the same as the value that was defined on the metadata (or other), in this example it is case-calculate-priority

The following snippet has sample implementation of the process handler:


namespace App\Extension\defaultExt\modules\Cases\Service\Fields;

use ApiPlatform\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use App\Process\Entity\Process;
use App\Process\Service\ProcessHandlerInterface;

class CaseCalculatePriority implements ProcessHandlerInterface
    protected const MSG_OPTIONS_NOT_FOUND = 'Process options are not defined';
    public const PROCESS_TYPE = 'case-calculate-priority';

     * CaseCalculatePriority constructor.
    public function __construct()

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getProcessType(): string
        return self::PROCESS_TYPE;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function requiredAuthRole(): string
        return 'ROLE_USER';

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        $options = $process->getOptions();
        $module = $options['module'] ?? '';
        $id = $options['id'] ?? '';

        $editACLCheck =  [
            'action' => 'edit',

        if ($id !== '') {
            $editACLCheck['record'] = $id;

        return [
            $module => [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function configure(Process $process): void
        //This process is synchronous
        //We aren't going to store a record on db
        //thus we will use process type as the id

     * @inheritDoc
    public function validate(Process $process): void

        $options = $process->getOptions();
        $type = $options['record']['attributes']['type'] ?? '';
        if (empty($type)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::MSG_OPTIONS_NOT_FOUND);

     * @inheritDoc
    public function run(Process $process)
        $options = $process->getOptions();

        $type = $options['record']['attributes']['type'] ?? '';

        if ($type !== 'User') {
            $priority = $options['record']['attributes']['priority'] ?? '';

            $responseData = [
                'value' => $priority



        $name = $options['record']['attributes']['name'] ?? '';

        $value = 'P3';
        if (strpos(strtolower($name), 'warning') !== false) {
            $value = 'P2';

        if (strpos(strtolower($name), 'error') !== false) {
            $value = 'P1';

        $responseData = [
            'value' => $value


2.2.1 Process Handler implementation getProcessType()

This method should return the identifier of the process the handler implements. The same that is defined on the metadata logic key entry. In our example: case-calculate-priority requiredAuthRole()

This method defines if the auth role that is required to have access to the process.

  • 'ROLE_USER' means that the user needs to be logged in to have access to this process.

  • 'ROLE_ADMIN' means that the user needs to be logged in as an admin user to have access to this process.

  • '' means that a non-authenticated user can access the process. getRequiredACLs()

This method defines the SuiteCRM ACLs that are required to have access to the process.


The getRequiredACLs returns an array where we can define the modules, actions and record(s) that should be checked for ACLs. This supports a very wide combination of checks.

The structure of the response array is the following:

Module level

We can define multiple modules to checked

        return [
            '<module-a>' => [],
            '<module-b>' => [],

Action Level

We can also define multiple actions to be checked per module

        return [
            '<module-a>' => [
                    'action' => 'view',
                    'action' => 'edit',
                    'record' => 'e1bd1...' // id to be checked
                    'action' => 'delete',
                    'ids' => [ 'e1bd1...', ...] // array if ids

Module Action Level Check

We can check if the given module has access to a given action.

        return [
            '<module-a>' => [
                    'action' => 'view',

Module Record Action Level Check

We can check if we have access to a record and to do a specific action on that record.

        return [
            '<module-a>' => [
                    'action' => 'edit',
                    'record' => 'e1bd1...' // id to be checked

Module Multi-Record Action Level Check

We can check if we have access to several records and to do a specific action on those records.

This should be used carefully as this can have a big impact on performance. Each record ACLs is going to be checked individually.

        return [
            '<module-a>' => [
                    'action' => 'delete',
                    'ids' => [ 'e1bd1...', ...] // array if ids

The following examples are taken from the existing core code.

Skip ACL Check

    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        return [];

Check Record Level ACLs For Single Record

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        ['recentlyViewed' => $recentlyViewed] = $process->getOptions();
        $itemId = $recentlyViewed['attributes']['item_id'] ?? '';
        $itemModule = $recentlyViewed['attributes']['module_name'] ?? '';

        return [
            $itemModule => [
                    'action' => 'view',
                    'record' => $itemId

Check Record Level ACLs For Record List

    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        $options = $process->getOptions();
        $module = $options['module'] ?? '';
        $ids = $options['ids'] ?? [];

        return [
            $module => [
                    'action' => 'export',
                    'ids' => $ids

Multiple ACL Checks Per Module

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        $options = $process->getOptions();
        $module = $options['module'] ?? '';
        $ids = $options['ids'] ?? [];

        return [
            $module => [
                    'action' => 'view'
                    'action' => 'export',
                    'ids' => $ids

Multiple Module ACL Checks

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getRequiredACLs(Process $process): array
        $options = $process->getOptions();
        $baseModule = $options['module'] ?? '';
        $baseIds = $options['ids'] ?? [];
        $modalRecord = $options['modalRecord'] ?? [];
        $modalModule = $modalRecord['module'] ?? '';
        $modalRecordId = $modalRecord['id'] ?? '';

        return [
            $baseModule => [
                    'action' => 'view',
                    'ids' => $baseIds
            $modalModule => [
                    'action' => 'view',
                    'record' => $modalRecordId,
    } validate()

This method is where we should add the code to validate the process inputs.

If the inputs aren’t valid it should throw a InvalidArgumentException run()

This method is where we add the code to run the logic that our ProcessHandler is supposed to do.

This method does not return anything. Instead, it should update the $process argument that is passed by reference.

Setting response result and message

The following are some examples of how to set the feedback for the response.

Success with no message


Success with no message


Error with an error message

Setting response data

The following are some examples of how to set the data on the respose.

The format on the response will vary depending on the type of ProcessHandler.

Record Action, Line Action, Bulk Action process handlers

        $responseData = [
            'handler' => 'redirect',
            'params' => [
                'route' => $options['module'] . '/duplicate/' . $options['id'],
                'queryParams' => [
                    'isDuplicate' => true,


Another example from UpdateFavorite process handler

                'favorite' => $savedFavorite

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