8.7 Releases


Released 3 October 2024

Release Notes

Platform upgrade

SuiteCRM is now using Symfony v6.4 and Api Platform 3.2. This brings some system requirement updates and breaking changes.

System Requirement Changes

Minimum php version - PHP 8.1

The minimum php version is now 8.1. PHP 7.4 stopped being supported since version 8.4.0 but the system would still run. From this release onwards PHP 7.4 will not work.

[development] Composer v2+ required

Composer 1.x is no longer supported.

Configuration Changes

SAML configuration has changed

Authentication SAML has been updated, there are new configuration options available and most of the configuration can now be done on env files.

To see how to setup and configure the authentication methods, please see the following documentation:

Backward Incompatible Changes

  • APP_SECRET env property is now required

    • For new installations a random APP_SECRET will be generated during the install process. For upgrades a migration has been added to generate a random APP_SECRET.

  • Move to Symfony runtime

    • SuiteCRM is now using Symfony runtime, core SuiteCRM code on index.php has been moved to core/backend/Composer/Runtime/autoload_runtime.template

  • Migration from annotations to attributes

    • Annotations have been replaced with attributes. They have been disabled in symfony configuration and the doctrine/annotations dependency has been removed.

  • Data Providers and Data Persisters have been deprecated

    • With Api Platform 3.2, Data Providers and Data Persisters have been replaced with StateProvider and StateProcessor.

  • Graphql Record and RecordList API response structure updated

    • With Api Platform 3.2 the graphql response structure changed. E.g. response now return recordList attribute instead of getRecordList-.

  • Graphql resolver interfaces path has changed

    • All the resolvers have been updated to use the new QueryItemResolverInterface.

  • ExtensionAssetCacheWarmupDecorator has been replaced with an extra cache warmer

    • Symfony now supports adding extra warmers. The decorator has been replaced with an extra cache warmer.

  • Legacy Session swapping removed

    • Legacy handlers and loading of legacy imports have been updated to remove the need for doing session swapping. Only one session cookie will be used from now on, the LEGACYSESSID has been removed.

  • Symfony Commands now require the usage of AsCommand attribute

    • All core commands have been updated to use the new AsCommand attribute.

  • Session injectable dependency replaced with RequestStack

    • It is no longer possible to pass the Session through Symfony dependency injection, RequestStack should be used instead. Core code has been updated to support this.

  • Authentication configuration has been updated

  • SAML dependency replaced and configuration updated

    • SAML Hslavich dependency has been replaced with Nbgrp.

    • Base SAML configurations have been updated.

    • New SAML env options have been added to allow configuring SAML just from the env files.

  • Usages of Doctrine DBAL execute method have been updated

    • Doctrine DBAL execute method has been deprecated, usages have been updated to use alternatives.

  • Log configurations updates

    • Log configurations have been re-factored to filter deprecations and split the deprecations and the security logs into separate files.



LDAP and SAML configuration improvements

Authentication with LDAP and SAML has been updated, there are new configuration options available and most of the configuration can now be done on env files.

To see how to setup and configure the authentication methods, please see the following documentation:

Convert target

The Convert Target action has now been reimplemented

Convert Target

Record pagination

Record Pagination has been re-implemented on record views, this was previously known as VCR

Record Pagination

Pre-install page improvements

  • Pre-install page has been redesigned

  • Extra validations and checks have been added

Re-styled Pre-install page

Add action buttons to fields

It is now possible to configure action buttons at the field level

Field Actions example

Known issues

  • Using SAML Authentication when there is no matching CRM account leads to a Login Loop

Bug Fixes

  • Fix #62 Add 'show_fullname' option

  • Fix #473 Document filename(file) not showing in Subpanels

  • Fix #436 - Update log configuration

  • Fix #504 - Fix required validation in Email line items field

  • Fix validation validation in multienum field

  • Update cache config - Use cache.adapter.system for both app and system cache pools

  • Fix Enums and MultiEnums on Mass Update

  • Fix update logic on create mode

  • Fix display logic when swapped between edit and detail

  • Fix page refresh when entered on saved filter

  • Fix - Close navbar dropdown menu when navigate

  • Fix propagation on enter after click search and save

  • Fix required validation after field touch

  • Fix setting custom datetime

  • Add portal enable/disable buttons to record view


We would love to have your feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 great for everyone.

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue.

If you want to get involved and submit a fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit A PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Please visit the official website to find the appropriate upgrade package.

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.