Although this book has aimed to be a thorough resource, SuiteCRM is large and feature rich. Therefore it is not possible to include all the information you may require. Here are some extra resources for developing with SuiteCRM.
The SuiteCRM website has many excellent resources including:
SuiteCRM Community Forums - Come and say hi!
SuiteCRM GitHub - The SuiteCRM source code is hosted on GitHub. Here you can get bleeding edge code changes and even contribute code.
SuiteCRM has strived to remain compatible with the SugarCRM community edition and much of the documentation is still valid. The appropriate version for SuiteCRM information is 6.5. Versions of documentation higher than this (i.e. 7) will probably not be relevant.
PHP - The main language used by SuiteCRM
Smarty - The templating language used throughout SuiteCRM.
XDebug - Debugging/profiling extension for PHP
Git - Distributed version control system
YUI - Legacy Javascript library used in SuiteCRM
JQuery - Javascript library used in SuiteCRM - to be preferred over YUI.
PHPMailer Email library used in SuiteCRM
APC - Alternative PHP Cache. PHP Opcode cache supported by SuiteCRM
WinCache - Windows PHP cache. PHP Opcode cache supported by SuiteCRM
PHPStorm - PHP IDE (Paid)
Eclipse PHP Development Tools - PHP IDE (Free and Open Source)
SalesAgility - The company behind SuiteCRM.
Jim Mackin - Personal website of the original author of this Developer Guide.
Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted.